It is clear that Avi ( The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle ) is attuned to the modern high school scene. After gleaning the points of view of many characters, readers will side with Miss Narwin and will recognize the hollowness of Philip's eventual victory.

Philip gains fame as a martyr for freedom his homeroom teacher, Miss Narwin, however, faces dismissal from her job. Philip's parents, several reporters and a neighbor (who happens to be running for the school board) accuse the school of being unpatriotic. After Philip Malloy, a clownish, rather unmotivated freshman, is punished for causing a disturbance (humming ``The Star Spangled Banner''), facts about the incident become exaggerated until a minor school infraction turns into a national scandal. Structured as a series of journal entries, memos, letters and dialogues, this highly original novel emerges as a witty satire of high school politics, revealing how truth can easily become distorted.