
Jan saudek images
Jan saudek images

La Cible (Mort d’un soldat) – The Target (Death of a Soldier) – belongs to this kind of work consisting of sequences of more or less narrative imagery. In it, facing a wall with a leprous, flaking look about it, he had fun fantasizing about the ‘theatre of his life’, a theatre made up of a removed eroticism, a recollection of the great works of art history, and above all a continual fear of disappearance and death. Jan Saudek was for many years obliged to produce his pictures in a tiny studio which was a cross between a crypt and a nook. He was persecuted, and, accordingly, his dogged pursuit of photography led him to construct a unique vocabulary, at once a private diary and a grand initiatory narrative. His photographs are included in the most important world collections.For a long time Jan Saudek’s pictures failed to find favour with the powers-that-be in the Czech Republic. He has had over 400 one-man shows held at. Jan Saudek is nowadays the most renowned Czech phoptographer in the world. Jan Saudek dates his work 100 Years earlierġ950: he gets his first camera KODAK BABY Brownie - first photographic Attemptsġ952: apprenticed to a photographer, he worked as a printing shop worker until 1983ġ959: he uses "real" camera Flexaret 6圆, he is also drawing and paintingġ963: for ever influenced by the catalogue of the magnificent fotographic exhibition "Family of Man" (Edward Steichen)ġ972: he finds his typical wall composition, which became a sort of projection screen for his figural scenes.ġ981: appears his first monography "Il teatro de la vita" in Milanoġ983: free-lance photographer - he devotes himself fully to his own workġ990: bearer of the French title "Le Chevalier des Arts and Letters" (Knight of Art and Literature), as the first Czech at all French film director Jerome de Missolz makes a film about him "Jan Saudek - czech photographer"Ģ005: appears his 14., biggest monography "Saudek" (published by Slovart, Praha), accompanied by wide retrospective Exhibition in Praha There are only 5 (five) enlargements from this negative

jan saudek images jan saudek images

Original Silver Gelatin print, photograph Jan Saudek, Czech photographer, born 1935

Jan saudek images