What allowed this video game project, with this development team, to get traction where others stalled out? Several comic book adaptations and original stories involving Elric, the Multiverse, and the Eternal Champion have been published, but the stories haven’t made the jump to games or films.

Michael Moorcock spoke with Screen Rant and discussed Elric’s history, the new Elric of Melnibone game, his own literary inspirations, and the evolution of the fantasy genre.Įlric of Melnibone has been an iconic fantasy character for decades, and there have been rumors in the past of plans for videogame and film adaptations of the character’s stories. He is also credited with coining the term “multiverse,” a notion which is currently showcased by both Marvel and DC-adapted superhero films and seen in works as diverse as Stephen King’s Dark Tower series and D&D’s concept of planar travel. The Elric character has inspired artwork from iconic Final Fantasy artist Yoshitaka Amano, and Moorcock’s rendition of the clash between Law and Chaos helped form Dungeons & Dragons’ original alignment concept. Related: D&D Alignment Charts Should Be Used For NPCs Too The character often became embroiled in the struggle between the forces of Law and Chaos, and several Elric stories involved crossing into the multiverse of Moorcock’s fiction, where Elric served as an incarnation of the Eternal Champion. Elric’s adventures were leagues away from the archetypal heroic fantasy of Tolkien, and the character was the anthesis of straightforward Sword and Sorcery protagonists like Conan. The character made pacts with elementals and Chaos Lords and wielded the signature weapon Stormbringer, an evil, sentient, soul-drinking sword. Elric is a distinctive character in fantasy, an anti-hero who is an albino and a sorcerer, born the heir to a decadent and evil empire.