
Carolyn keene author
Carolyn keene author

carolyn keene author carolyn keene author

Duncan) "Doris Force Mystery Series" (two titles) (under Ann Wirt) "Madge Sterling" series (three titles) (under collective pseudonym Frances K. Wirt) "Ruth Darrow Flying Stories" (four titles) (under collective pseudonym Carolyn Keene) "Nancy Drew Mystery Stories," including The Secret of the Old Clock (1930), The Hidden Staircase (1930), The Bungalow Mystery (1930), The Mystery at Lilac Inn (1930), The Secret at Shadow Ranch (1930), The Secret of Red Gate Farm (1931), The Clue in the Diary (1932), The Clue of the Broken Locket (1934), The Message in the Hollow Oak (1935), The Mystery of the Ivory Charm (1936), The Whispering Statue (1937), The Haunted Bridge (1937), The Clue of the Tapping Heels (1939), The Mystery of the Brass Bound Trunk (1940), The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion (1941), The Quest of the Missing Map (1942), The Clue in the Jewel Box (1943), The Secret in the Old Attic (1944), The Clue in the Crumbling Wall (1945), The Mystery of the Tolling Bell (1946), The Clue in the Old Album (1947), The Ghost of Blackwood Hall (1948), The Clue of the Velvet Mask (1953) (under collective pseudonym Julia K. Emerson) "Ruth Fielding" series (eight titles) (under Mildred A. 1959, editor of the Toledo Times), in 1950 children: (first marriage) Margaret Wirt.

carolyn keene author

1947, affiliated with the Associated Press) married George A. (a doctor) and Lillian (Mattison) Augustine University of Iowa, A.B., 1925, M.A., 1927 married Asa Alvin Wirt (d. Born Mildred Augustine in Ladora, Iowa, on Jdaughter of J.L. Judd, Carolyn Keene, Helen Louise Thorndyke. Wirt Ann Wirt (pseudonyms) Frank Bell, Joan Clark, Don Palmer, Dorothy West (collective pseudonyms) Julia K. American author, pilot, and journalist who, under the name Carolyn Keene, effectively created the character of "Nancy Drew." Name variations: Mildred Augustine Mildred Wirt Benson Mildred A.

Carolyn keene author